Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Studio Location

So I have been using my new home that we have not yet moved into as my studio space for now. I will however be converting part of one of the Garages into an actual studio, once I get moved in and settled, amoungst all the kaos and confusion that will be going on...... A quick photo of my new house ........ I do not like to do alot of indoor photography with lighting but there is a must for it in winter months and with small children so I feel the need to have it in order to meet the demand from my customers. My new studio location is located at #27 Concession 6 Bruce Township on the corner of Bruce Road 1 just north of Glammis and South of Paisley !!! Come pay a visit after June 2009 and see the new place !

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Engagement Photo Shoot

I had the pleasure of doing one of the couples that I have booked for weddings this summer's Engagment Photo's .....What a wonderful couple ... I told them a couple simple things when we started and we ended up with some AWESOME shots .....It was great ! Here a few to share

Friday, February 6, 2009

Winter is still here .....YUK!

Well after the infamous Wiarton Willies prediction of there being another 6 weeks of winter...I decided I might as well embrace it and go. The past couple morning have been quite chillyand I have saw some pretty neat sights. From the way frost finds itself clinging to objects around our yard to the Rainbow around the sun I saw on my way to town the other morning. Iknow winter affords stormy days and tonnes of the stuff you have to shovel ...but I do admit that there are some things out there that make winter beautiful. I am a non-lover of winter, I hate driving in the white stuff...I hate shoveling the white stuff...I hate how my kids track the white stuff in! All in all it's terrible stuff...but you just can't help think after seeing these things that it's not all the bad maybe after all.....You be the judge!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter Blahs

I always find these months Jan /Feb to be a blah filled months. Very little sun and snow ....yuk! With that my creativeness sometime gets the blah's right along with the weather. Although I should be loving the crisp new fallen snow on our beautiful landscape I just can't some days! Other days when the sun peeks out I get filled with a vibrance and the urge to grab the Nikon and go shoot some pics. Lately when the sun has been out it has been so brutally cold and windy that I can't bring myself about to go outside and shoot what would be beautiful "Winter Wonderland Photo's ." Over the past few days I have had the opportunity however to catch a couple good shots, Which I will share here. Here's hoping winter doesn't stick around too long!